Embrace the Soul ... Embolden the Spirit ...

Enrich the Community


There are a variety of activities  at UUOCC. Feel free to check them out and Get Involved!

  Whether you're brand new to Unitarian Universalism or      moving here from another Unitarian Universalist community, we welcome you with open arms and thank you for your interest in our congregation. 

There are many ways you can join us. Take your pick!

  • ​Attend any event on our calendar of events. All events are at our meeting place unless otherwise noted. And all events are open to visitors/guests unless otherwise noted.​

  • Come to several of our Sunday Services.  Why several? Our services offer a variety of opinions and practices that reflect our tradition of a free pulpit. We deliberately make an effort  to provide something for everyone in every service, but if one service doesn't resonate with you, try a few others before making a decision.​​


Our Brochures


Our services are held every Sunday morning from 

1030 - 11:30 AM, at 431 N. Main Street in Lanoka Harbor, NJ. We are located at the Murray Grove Retreat and Renewal Center..

A hospitality hour follows services and is an opportunity for members, friends and newcomers to mingle and socialize.

For more information, please contact us at

732-639-1674 or by email at info@uuocc.org
