Embrace the Soul ... Embolden the Spirit ...
Enrich the Community
Social Justice at UUOCC
Although UUOCC is a small congregation, we take our commitment to social justice seriously. We contribute financially to UUFaithActionNJ, the statewide UU social action organization and participate in workshops and activities that they sponsor, particularly in the areas of environmental justice and climate change and immigration policy. (For more information visit www.uufaithaction.org Within Ocean County we collectively and individually support a wide variety of organizations including the following:
- Interfaith Hospitality Network - an interfaith ministry providing shelter and assistance to homeless families. www.ihnoc.net
- Hope Center - providing resources, services and advocacy for those in current need. www.houseofhopeocean.org
- Wrangle Brook Community Garden - Wrangle Brook Community Garden is for the local area residents. They have the opportunity to cultivate their own vegetables and flowers. There is also a common area to grow produce to be donated to local food banks. All are welcome to join in this endeavor. Originally founded and supported by UUOCC.
- Lacey Food Bank - https://laceyfoodbanknj.tripod.com/
- Marine Mammal Stranding Center -https://mmsc.org/
UUOCC has been recognized as a UU Welcoming Community and Stands on the Side of Love.
Phone: 732-639-1674
Email: info@uuocc.org
Check our Calendar for more details on upcoming services.
UUOCC is located at Cone House on the Murray Grove Campus at
431 North Main Street
Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734
PO Box 276 Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734
Pledges and Donations may be submitted by
Texting GIVE to 732-800-9594 or by clicking the Button below
Murray Grove Retreat & Renewal Center, has many new and wonderful events and spaces for overnight groups or individuals all year long.
Learn more at www.MurrayGrove.org
UUOCC is currently holding Sunday Services In Person with a Zoom option every Sunday at 10:30 am
Please check our Calendar for details on each week's schedule here.
Clicking the Title on the calendar will provide detailed information.
Please Click Here to Join our Virtual Zoom Sunday Service
Unless otherwise noted Rev. Julie Newhall preaches and leads worship at UUOCC on the second and fourth Sundays of each month from Sept. through June
There are a variety of activities at UUOCC. Check the calendar regularly to make sure you're not missing out on anything.
Whether you're brand new to Unitarian Universalism or moving here from another UU Community, we welcome you.
Sunday Services at 10:30 AM
at Murray Grove
431 Route 9 (N. Main Street)
Lanoka Harbor, NJ 08734
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email us: info@uuocc.org